
Hey, friend! Welcome to New Year Now! I'm excited for what you want to create in the new year, and I'm honored that you chose me as a guide.

Notice that I said a guide--not your guide or the guide. This happens to be the very first lesson of our time together: self-care is a team effort. One of the great lies of the fitness industry is that there is ONE perfect solution offered by ONE person who knows everything about diet and exercise, and if you just do exactly what they tell you to do, you'll get the body of your dreams.

Been there, done that, right?

So, I hope this course will be one of many learning opportunities, and I will be one of many people on your side as you begin to set fitness practices that will serve you for the rest of your life. At minimum, I suggest the following experts:

  • a sport/activity-specific trainer or coach
  • a physician
  • a supportive partner/friend

Depending on your specific situation, you may also wish to consider other kinds of experts as part of your body maintenance team such as:

  • a massage therapist
  • a nutritionist
  • a physical therapist
  • a mental health counselor or therapist
  • a truly great nail technician, hair stylist, and/or aesthetician
  • a community of athletes (online or in meat space)

I've learned firsthand that exercise activities are only one part of fitness, which is only one part of wellness. Your body can do amazing things, and taking care of it requires not just physical skill, but the emotional foundation of self-worth. The belief that you are worthy of care and attention is an absolute must for any kind of self-care or personal development. So, put the right people in your corner from day one!

For the rest of this course, I'll provide the materials in written form like this, and also as an audio track if that's how you prefer to learn. If you have any questions or get stuck on one of the modules, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected]

Stay golden,


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